Friday, August 21, 2009

Punks suck

I was on the way to Russ's mom's house for dinner with the kids earlier this week, when we were bombed with water balloons from a car driving the opposite direction. Scared the crap out of me and the boys. We were going about 40 and they were going at least 50. The sound those balloons made on my windshield had me wondering why I wasn't holding one in my lap. Thankfully we were all ok and drove directly to a car wash, because I wasn't going to take for granted those balloons were filled with just water. The boys just couldn't understand why anyone would do something so mean. (How sweet are they?)

Once we are in the car wash, Brandon & Dylan are super excited for the wash to start. They are typical boys who find the spraying water cool. Owen, on the other hand, is shaking so badly, he looks like he's having a seizure. His eyes are as big a saucers and his hands don't know if they should cover his ears or his eyes, so they are hovering midway between both shaking uncontrollably. Now I'm extremely upset because my "baby" is being terrorized by the car wash that I would have never been in if it hadn't been for some bored punks who really need their asses handed to them ground up and stuffed into a salt shaker.

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