Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Owen and his garbage trucks

What little kid doesn't run to the window to watch the garbage truck and "tractor" pick up all the green waste from the street? Well, Owen was obsessed this morning. He started crying as soon as he heard it, because he didn't know which window to run to so he could see. I carried him to the front window and propped him up on the trampoline so he could see over the bushes. He wasn't posted up long before he wanted to go outside to see them "up close". By this time, they were at the end of the street and he wanted to get closer to see. I took that opportunity to load him and his stuff up in the car to go to my mom's house. Once I had him buckled up and I was in my seat, Owen yelled, "Follow that garbage truck!" It was so perfect! He followed it up with a "Let's go!" for good measure.

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