Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm a snap happy mommy

Every month I send out just a portion of the photos I've taken over the previous month. Mostly it's just pictures of the kids. It is something that I really really enjoy and feel very strongly about. I want our children to have a vast visual record of their childhood and our lives together. As a result, I have built this incredible library of photos saved by month. My goal is to burn copies of all my digital photos for each of my boys. I have albums and scrapbooks that we can flip through, but I'm not crazy enough to make three duplicate copies for each of my three boys. I do want them to have access to their childhood pictures within an arms reach, though. I realized this was something that I really wanted to do while we were all at my mom's house one day. Russ wanted to see pictures of me when I was little. Mom dug out an old photo album for us. It was a lot of fun looking back in time. But, you know, the sad thing is that my dad took some of the photos when they got divorced, so we weren't able to look at those. That's when it clicked in my head. When my boys are older and married and possibly have children, they will have every digital picture I've ever taken. The day they get married, I may need a forklift to give them the cd's, but by God they will have them! Then I will pretend that they will actually look at them.

We also have hours upon hours of video that we've recorded but never really watched. I had the grand idea of editing it all and burning it to dvds. I started that project a few years ago, but let it fall through the cracks. Now I'm considering just converting all the tapes to dvd without editing because the whole process would take weeks of nothing but converting and editing. The prospect of even attempting this old project just feels so overwhelming. Maybe I'll just try to post snippets of our videos here in the future...

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