Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One step closer

Brandon is inching his way towards pottytraining. We took him to the store a couple of weeks ago to pick out his own underwear, in hopes that he would want to wear them. No dice. They were cool to look at and fun to pick out, but that was about it.

So the other day, I just told him that he was going to wear his new underwear. We were going to play in the backyard, so I told him that I would bring his potty chair outside with us. If he had to go, then we could do it outside. He was all for it. He really liked how soft they felt. You could also tell that he felt like a big boy with them on. He wore them all day without one accident. Of course, he didn't have to use the potty chair all day either. He waited until he had his pull-ups on at nap and bedtime. Just getting him to wear the underwear was a small victory. Now he asks to wear them. Hoping to be well on our way down the pottytrained path soon. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

What is extra cute is that Dylan has underwear too. So when Dylan hears that Brandon is going to wear underwear, Dylan runs in the bedroom and grabs his too. He's not quite there yet for pottytraining, but I'm praying he'll be ready sooner than Brandon was.

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