Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dylan's first day of preschool

Today was the big day for our little Deets! We were far more excited than he was though. We tried to get him excited about staying at preschool with Brandon by asking him all kinds of "fun" questions like, "Don't you want to do circle time and play outside on the slides with Brandon?" Brandon even tried to encourage Dylan to stay by telling him about the Pledge of Allegiance and snack time and jobs and all the fun things they can do outside. Deets still wasn't convinced that Mommy leaving preschool without out him was entirely in his best interest. He loves preschool and all it has to offer, as long as I'm standing right next to him.

We got to preschool earlier than normal, so we had time to do lots of "jobs." When the lights went out to let the kids know it was circle time, Deets put his mat away and told one of the teachers he didn't want to stay. She suggested meeting the boys at the goodbye window. That worked perfectly. No crying or fussing. Just hugs and kisses. It's what worked best for Dylan. Looking back, I shouldn't have stayed as long as I did. I just really wanted to get D's first circle time on video. Russ couldn't be there, so I thought I would get some of Dylan's first day on film so Russ could see. (I did the same thing on Brandon's first day.) Things just don't always work out the way you planned.

Turned out that I was able to get the boys on video when I went to pick them up. They were outside playing, so I filmed them through a window. Russ was happy to see that I was able to bring home some of Dylan's first day. D was a busy little bee on the see-saw, slide, playing rings, catching bugs with bug catchers and chasing bubbles. He had no clue I was there, even when I came outside. Brandon had to clue him in. He was so happy at preschool, he didn't want to come home when it was time to leave. A good sign that he had a great day.

1 comment:

Kathy Fuller said...

Russ and Cindy: We love reading about the boys. Love Walt and Kathy