Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wild creatures pay a visit

Yesterday while we were playing in the backyard, we heard the distinct sound of a woodpecker. Brandon and Dylan stopped dead in their tracks and asked, "What's that?" I told them it was a woodpecker looking for food in one of our trees. So the rest of the day, if Dylan heard the woodpecker, he would yell, "Mommy! A woodpecker!" Today, they were peeking out of their bedroom window and saw the little bird. I just had to snap the picture of them peeking! It was so darned cute.

They had an additional treat today. We found a 12-18 inch lizard scurrying around in the bushes. It was trying to find its way back through the fence and not having any luck finding an opening big enough. So there is this lizard looking a little trapped and my boys just watching him. It was kind of funny watching them eyeball each other.

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