Sunday, April 27, 2008

It's an Elmo sprinkler day!

I would be getting ready to pull the car out of the garage and I would hear, "When can we do Elmo sprinkler again?" It didn't matter that it was the dead of winter and 10 minutes outside would result in bright red runny noses. All they could think of how fun it was to run through the sprinkler. I can only guess that my boys think the weather suddenly becomes warm and sunny when we pull the Elmo sprinkler off the shelf. Every day I had to tell them we have to wait for summer to come before we could bring Elmo out to play. Well, after such a long, long, LONG wait, Elmo came out to play today. I could just feel their excitement as I lathered them up with sunscreen. They played in the water so long, they just sat in the sun to warm back up. Owen tried out the sprinkler, but then again, he didn't really know what he was getting himself into. Two sprays of water and he was crying and backtracking back to mom. So Owey scored himself a bucket of water and some water toys, and he was happy as a clam.

Russ took advantage of the nice day and washed my car and his truck. The boys even took a break from playing and helped Daddy scrub-a-dubba. Owen didn't really help, but he still had to be in the middle of all the action.

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