Sunday, April 13, 2008

Safetyville USA

Today was a preschool friend's birthday party at Safetyville USA. Brandon and Dylan brought their bikes so they could ride around the mini streets. They LOVED it! All the kids size buildings and roadways and working stop lights were great. The place is a bit run down, but the kids didn't notice.

Brandon has always been a little fearful of falling off his bike, so when we first got there, he was riding really slow and made Russ stay right next to him. By the end of the day, he was riding much faster and more confidently. He even asked if he could go riding around all by himself like all the other kids. He was so excited when we said it was ok. He probably would have ridden around until dark if we let him.

Deets was just adorable on his tricycle. He's not very good with the pedalling thing. He can pedal backwards like a champ, but forwards is another story. He spent the day pushing the bike forward with his feet rather than the pedals. His favorite part of the place were the mini railroad tracks complete with the crossing gates. He and Brandon waited at the tracks for a train to come by. We had to tell them there wasn't a train, just the tracks.

Three hours of "fun" in the sun. Russ & I were exhausted and miserable from the heat. The boys were exhausted too, but they were smiling from ear to ear. They had the best day.

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