Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Family Day at the Zoo

Yesterday we decided it was time for the boys to get their hair cut again, so we declared it a Family Day. Haircuts are always followed by lollipops for being so good at the barber, then the zoo or Fairy Tale Town, and finally lunch. We chose the zoo and invited Aunt Carmen and Cousin Hadija to meet us there. The kids had a great time seeing all the animals and playing with Hadija in the play area. (Owen missed most of the zoo, because he fell asleep in his stroller.) We also checked out the new on-site vet clinic. The boys liked seeing the x-rays of one of the animals and the preserved turtles with all their parts labeled. The turtles reminded me of biology class. Kind of gross. Maybe that's why they liked them! After everyone made their way through the reptile house, we all headed over to Gunther's for lunch and ice cream. Their lunch is pretty average, but who really goes there for their sandwiches? We needed to have a healthy lunch, though, if we were going to have ice cream for dessert. My picky eaters (Brandon & Dylan) did great eating their lunches. Even little Owey was chowing down on my turkey sandwich and Dylan's leftover cheese sandwich. We agreed that the baby needs his own sandwich next time. That way I'm not filling my hunger with a two scoop caramel sundae. Who are we kidding...even if I finished my own sandwich, I still would have eaten the sundae. That was pretty much the end of our day, because Dyaln was asleep before we even got out to the car.

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