Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another horrible mommy moment

Today one of my worst moments as a mother came. After I left Brandon at school, I decided that Owen and I would pop over to Mervyns to pick up some pants for Brandon. That boy is growing like crazy! Anyway, once we get there I'm letting Owen walk around with me, since I'm starting to carry clothes around the store. The first thing he does is bolt around the corner and hides behind some hanging coats. "Ha ha, funny funny, Mommy!" is the look I get from him. After I told him that was a no-no, he was really good about staying in my line of running down the walkway to the other end of the store. He only stopped when he found a rack full of chocolates and treats! The unfortunate thing was that I saw an aisle of kids bedding while chasing my renegade baby. I thought new character sheets and comforters would be nice Christmas presents for Brandon & Dylan. While I'm trying to find the right characters and sizes, Owen is pulling package after package of sheets out onto the floor. While I'm putting them back, he seizes one of the comforters I pulled out for the boys and takes off running. He turns the corner and runs up the next aisle with the comforter in tow. Just as I turn the corner to see him, down he goes, face first onto the hard floor. When I picked him up there was blood everywhere. This was no "I bumped my nose and it started to bleed" accident. We are talking gushing, not stopping accident. I swore he broke his nose. I had the biggest wad of kleenex in my purse, and it was soaked in no time. The fact that Owen was screaming crying and in hysterics didn't help with the blood flow either. He was just making it worse. I'm silently freaking out, trying to think of what I should do...I'm frantically making phone calls. Why??? Talking to someone on the phone is not going to help! I then grab the first person to walk by and ask them to get someone to help me. Funny thing was, all Owen needed was an unfamiliar face to distract him. He calmed down as the store clerk and this gentleman talked to me. Owen layed on the floor just long enough for the blood to stop. I honestly didn't think it would! So there we are, finally walking out of the store covered in blood. It was an experience I won't soon forget.

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