Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Good times at the doctor

Today was Dylan's 3 year check up. It's always an adventure when I have to take the 3 boys to the doctor's office by myself. They were a whirlwind of activity for the 45 minutes we were there. Owen was the biggest menace. He must have opened and closed the exam room door 50 times. He mostly opened the door just so he could slam it shut again. After I figured out that I had to stand with my foot against the door, he moved on to trying to pull the vertical blinds down. Then I pulled out books for him to read. Those were all over the floor before I knew it. He somehow figured out that he could climb onto the exam table if he stood on the doctor's stool. The child was on fire. Brandon sat quietly reading. (His moment comes later.) Dylan turned out to be very cooperative with the nurses and doctor. Unfortunately, he had some pent up energy too, so he's climbing everywhere while we are alone, and dances down the hallway in just a pull up to get weighed and measured. The exam goes well. He gets to draw with crayons on a pull out table top at this appointment. That was a bonus. While I'm putting D's shirt back on him, I don't notice that Brandon is coloring...on the pull out table top. He thinks he's drawing on paper because the table top is white. So there I am scrubbing the crayon off, trying to corral Owen, and dreading the shot that is coming for Dylan. Needless to say, the shot did not go well. There were books and dixie cups everywhere and I can't find everything I came with. Turns out I left my umbrella in the lobby...did I mention it was raining outside?

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