Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tahoe getaway

Russ & I went to Tahoe this last weekend...just the two of us. It was a much needed getaway. We're both stressed out and needed some time just to focus on each other. We decided to stay at one of the casinos. We were lucky enough to have a room facing the lake on the top floor of the Mont Bleu. Sadly, the view was about the nicest part of our stay. We were able to enjoy a few dinners and some gaming before we were reminded by our neighbors why we rent houses instead of staying in hotels. I had to call security at 3 a.m. after listening to their party for an hour. It was security's second trip to the room next door, so all but the registered guest were kicked out. Ahhh, sleep.

We did make it out of the casino to walk around some nature trails. We were lucky enough to catch the end of the salmon spawning season. It didn't take long for me to wish the kids were with us. They would have loved all the different paths. They would have felt like they were in a Dora cartoon, I'm sure! They would have been even more excited seeing all the beautiful red fish. While we were out walking on the trails, we had heard a couple of people talking about black bear that came down eat around 5 p.m. every evening. Luckily we were there at 2 in the afternoon, otherwise I probably would have panicked. Yes, I'm a wuss. I'm not in any rush to see a bear in the wild. I don't care how far away it is!

Our last night there if finally started to rain. By morning it was snowing...barely. I spent the morning watching the snow drift by our window as I read a book. It was nice, peaceful morning. The perfect morning before heading back to reality.

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