Friday, November 28, 2008


Yesterday, the boys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. They had spent the night at their Lola's house, so they woke up there yesterday morning. I arrived around 7:30 a.m. for breakfast. Why so early? The Run to Feed the Hungry starts and ends by our house. If I'm not out of the neighborhood by 7:30, I'm stuck until 11:30. In the end I was glad that I was there to spend the morning with my kids, my mom, and aunt & uncle. My brother showed up with his wife and daughter about 9, so I stayed longer than I had planned just so the kids could keep playing. They were having such a great time.

We drove down to Moraga that afternoon to spend the rest of the day with Russ's brother Scott, his wife Kristin, and her family. Her nephew, Ian, was there this year. Brandon and Ian ended up palling around all night. Those boys were having the best time. My boys get really wound up in the evenings, and that night was no exception. I found it funny, but since no one else is used to all that energy, I'm guessing no one else did. I take that back...Ian found it funny.

Just before dinner, Owen had another major nose bleed. I was freaking out again, because he was losing so much blood. I was so thankful for Kristin's sister-in-law, Pam, though. She brought me a cold compress wrapped in a towel to put behind Owen's neck. That calmed him right down. That's about when my stomach started churning. I had to leave him with Diane and run upstairs. All the blood had made me nauseous. I felt horrible just leaving Owen on the floor with my mother-in-law, but I knew if I didn't, I'd get sick all over him. When I came back downstairs, Owen was so mad at me for leaving that he didn't want me to touch him. Nothing worse than your child in pain not wanting you anywhere near him. He finally came around when I asked him if he was hungry. That snapped him out of it. He was ready for some turkey dinner. The rest of his evening was spent as if nothing had happened. He ran around having the time of his life causing trouble with the rest of the boys.

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