Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Russell's surprise

Today was Russ's 40th birthday. He'd been saying for months that he didn't want to do anything for his birthday. He'd actually been making his case for no party for quite some time. After all that, he told me yesterday that we should have asked our friends to meet us for drinks after dinner. He was looking pretty bummed that all we'd planned was dinner at Ruth Chris. Little did he know that I had already planned a surprise. . .

So, there we are eating dinner and talking about all sorts of things. One of the topics of conversation was about me not knowing him well enough to plan something even though he's been saying for months that he doesn't want me to do anything. After 14 years together, I should have known better. I got the drift that I should have invited our friends for drinks. I pretty much made my convincing case as to why I didn't plan anything, and in the end agreed that it would have been a good idea to do the drinks. But I had to remind him that Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and that all of our friends wouldn't have been able to make it if we did something anyway. He agreed and we moved on to another topic.

After eating so much we could barely move, I make the mistake of saying that I'd like to go to the bar for a little drink before we headed home. Russ suggested buying a bottle on the way home and renting a movie while we were at it. I insist that I just want the one drink, and that gets his radar up. Looking back I should have just walked into the bar without a word. We walk in to to see three of his closest friends having drinks and appetizers. It was perfect. Tomorrow is a day to celebrate family and all that we are thankful for, and here we were spending the hours before with friends we consider family. I am thankful that we have friends that love us enough to leave their families for the evening so show Russ they care. Russ had a wonderful evening just as I had hoped.

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