Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last day of soccer

Today was the "big" soccer tournament with all 5 River Park teams. They all played four 20 minute games. Brandon ended his first soccer season with a bang! He scored that goal he talked about all season...wrong goal, but a goal, no the less! He was so happy until the coach reminded him that we wanted to score in the other goal. We told him that it didn't matter which goal he kicked it in. It was still a goal and we were proud of him that he scored it. He was beaming at those words. In the last game of the tournament, Brandon dribbled the ball up the field. None of us could believe it. It was amazing!

After the game we went to pizza for team party. Brandon was on top of the world about receiving a trophy. He also spent the entire party at the table with all of his teammates. This surprised us because he spent most of the season not really interacting with any of them. It was great to see him so happy and really feeling like part of the team.

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