Thursday, October 8, 2009

Back to School Night Results

A few weeks ago was Back to School Night for Brandon's school. Based on some of his school work and a little talk with Brandon, I'd become concerned that my daydreamer was daydreaming in class. I should have know the first day of school he was doomed, because he sat down at his desk in the back row right next to the windows and toys. The absolute worst place for a daydreamer. This theory was made more real when I sat down at his desk that night. The puppet theater was slammed up against his desk so he couldn't see outside.

I asked Ms. Aguirre about my hunch. She verified the daydreaming and the lack of focus. I suggested moving him to the front row, and she'd actually considered it already. I think she was fearful of offending me with this thought, because she actually looked relieved when I made the suggestion first. The very next morning Brandon was sitting in the front row. Brandon came home excited to tell me that he got to move to the front row. He said he can hear so much better now. Huge smile on his face. It was great! Since the move, Brandon has not brought home a single sheet of school work unfinished or incomplete. I'm not worrying about him at school anymore.

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