Friday, October 9, 2009

Stunned silence, then laughter

Owen is such a character. For those of you who know him, know exactly what I'm talking about. He sings in the shower (no baths for my boys). He dances to the songs in his head, and even sometimes hums along. Well, today was another great Owen moment.

My always hungry 2 year-old told me he was hungry and wanted to eat. So I ask him if he wanted me to make dinner. Oh boy did he! He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and started rambling off all the things I could make for dinner. Nothing was sounding good, so he decided he was blowing off dinner and moving straight to snack time. He's pointing at snacks in the pantry. Well, I put a stop to that, and open the freezer. I'm pointing at chicken nuggets, mini corn dogs, french fries. He's pointing at ice cream, frozen go-gurts and Popsicles. Well, that didn't work out too well. So I have to tell him we can eat those yummy treats after dinner. He's insisting on dessert, so I tell him, "That's not how it works." Instead of being a normal 2 year-old and throwing himself on the floor, he calmly responds with, "That is how it works." I just stare at him because that's all I can do. Then when my brain is done processing what he said, I just laugh and compromise with him. He has salami, crackers, pretzels, cheese and apple juice for dinner. Yes, I let him win. How could he not?

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