Friday, October 16, 2009

We survived

If you live in the area, you know about the crazy ass storm that blew through here at 60 miles an hour and dumped a crazy amount of rain. We survived, but our trees barely did. We lost 4 good sized limbs off of our liquid amber, three of which hit the house. One other limb took out half of another of our trees and landed in the street. Instead of calling the city like a normal person, I stupidly put on my snow jacket and hiking boots, grabbed our Christmas tree saw and set to work on the mess in the street. I managed to clear half of the roadway. The neighbor came home while I was out there and kindly helped me cut through the larger pieces and pull those out of the road as well. I was a drippy, miserable mess by the time I headed back to the house. The next day I got a good clear view of the mess Russ was going to come home to:

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