Friday, October 16, 2009

Russ is home. Now what do we do?

Russ has been in Santa Cruz so much for the last 4 months, that when he's home, we're not sure what to do when we have a kid free evening anymore. We no longer go out to dinner or anything remotely date-like. We're usually both so tired that we find it hard to make an effort to do anything beyond vegging in front of the tv or computer. We do spend a lot more time just sitting and talking if the boys wind down at a decent hour, but that's rare.

Tonight we were blessed with one of those kid free nights. What did we end up doing? Ordering Chinese take-out and having a quiet dinner at our kitchen table. No screaming, crying or fighting emanating from the living room. No wondering what they hit each other with to make a mark like that. No "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy...." Nothing crazy, frenzied or out of control. Just peace and quiet. Just the sound of forks tinging on plates, the thud of beers being lowered back onto the table. Just enjoying being together and talking and listening to each other. May seem boring to most, but when life is as crazy as ours feels, boring is just right.

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