Monday, April 14, 2008

Brandon spells his name

A while back we bought Brandon the Leap Frog Click 'n Learn or something like that. I forget what it's called because Brandon calls it his "Click 'n Stir". Anyway, it's a keyboard/mouse that plugs into the tv to play games. He was playing with a typing setting, so I asked him if he could spell his name. He's been practicing writing his name at preschool, so I ask him every once in a while if he can spell it, too. He usually gets stuck at the A. Today he spelled the whole thing out all by himself. Russ & I kept telling him how proud of him we were. He was pretty proud too, because he spelled it out a couple more times before he went back to playing.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

It's called Click Start. It was bugging me that I couldn't remember, so I had to go look at it!