Monday, May 18, 2009


Owen is such a bruiser. He's usually muscling his way into getting what he wants away from his brothers. Sometimes he's so focused on the "prize" that he's not always paying attention to what he's doing. This morning was a good example.

I knew it was going to be another hot one today, so I wanted to go outside to do a little watering and gardening. Since Owen was the only one awake, I took him outside with me after breakfast. So there he is throwing a fit in the backyard at 7:30 in the morning about something trivial. I redirect his attention so he'll play with some toys, but that only lasts about minute. He's whining and carrying on as he makes his way over to me and does what I assume is a face plant into the concrete. Because I didn't see him fall, I don't realize what happened until we get in the house. All I know is I'm carrying a shaking baby who isn't taking a breath because he hurts so bad.

This is what actually happened to his face. A few good scrapes on the nose. I swear that boy cannot go a day without adding some sort of mark to his collection of scrapes and bruises. He is all boy!

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