Thursday, May 21, 2009

Open House & Art Festival

Last night was Caleb Greenwood's Open House and Art Festival. We walked down to the school and the first thing the kids saw was the Jamba Juice tent. Five minutes later they were walking around straws in mouths sucking on their cool treats.

The art tents were so great. Each class worked on an art project that was auctioned off to raise money for the school. Brandon's class drew nature pictures that were compiled into a large nature scene painting. One of the mom's is an artist, so she took the kids drawings and sketched out the scene based on their artwork. The result was just fantastic. I was dying to buy it (and so were a few other moms), but it turned into a gift for Brandon's teacher, Mrs. Wong. She really wanted it so one mom suggested we all buy it for the kids' teacher as an end of year gift. A few of us parents presented it to Mrs. Wong immediately at the end of the auction and she had it placed near her desk shortly thereafter. She was so touched.

In case you were wondering what Brandon's contribution was to the painting, he had two animals portrayed:

Brandon's Raccoon and Bird

Brandon's classroom was just crammed full of families. There was so much to see, it really did take quite a while for Brandon to show everyone around. He loved showing us all the things they have been doing all year. They made books, scrapbooks, photo books, self portraits, potted plants...that room was just crammed full of all kinds of projects. We also made a point to go visit the first grade rooms and meet the teachers. Brandon was just fascinated with the building toys first graders get to play with. He then noticed all the dioramas they created for open house and the desks (not tables) the kids sit at. He thought it was all pretty cool.

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