Sunday, May 3, 2009

Santa Cruz

Diane invited us to join her in Santa Cruz, so we took the boys before the rain came. It was a wonderful few days. We went hiking in Nisene Marks. It was so cute watching the boys explore their surroundings...the bugs, the bridge, the trees, the paths...Oh, the paths! They all wanted to lead and choose which way we should go next. The bridge was a pretty big hit, too. Russ, of course, had to set an example of what not to do by climbing on a log next to the creek. He took a few steps and realized he couldn't go any further, so turned around and joined the rest of the family. After walking for some time, the boys were so disappointed when we made them turn around and head back to the car. They just wanted to keep going to see what else was ahead on the trail. We were trying to avoid having to carry them a mile back to the car! I will admit I felt the same as the kids, though. I just wanted to keep going and see what would pop up around the next bend.

We took the kids to the beach a few times. The first day was just too cold and windy, so we just went home instead. The following day wasn't as windy, and the sun was out, so we chanced the beach again. It took a while for the boys to get going. At first all they wanted to do was snuggle under warm blankets and eat snacks. Once they were warm enough they dug in the sand, went hunting for seashells (and in Owen's case, rocks), and the ever popular jump off the "sand cliffs." D found rolling down the sand hill far more satisfying...oh, and Owen would jump up and then run down with those short stubby legs. It was hilarious.

We made a stop at the wharf for some crab cocktail and to check out the seals. We talked Brandon into trying the crab, and he actually liked it. He ate half a small one by himself. That shocked me. Owen tried it and spit it out saying it was "ucky". Russ gave him the oyster crackers instead, leaving him happy as a clam. Dylan was sound asleep in the car, but that was for the best. He wouldn't have tried the crab, and he would have been upset that there were only a few sleeping seals to be seen.

The Boardwalk was the last stop on our list of activities for the boys. They spent most of their time playing games and winning tickets in the arcade. They played and played and played. We had to drag them out of there to go have a picnic lunch. They did not want to stop to eat, and we did not want cranky, hungry children. With that battle behind us and with bellies full, we oh so smartly took them on a couple rides. Their iron guts handled the rides without issues, thankfully. After a stop at Marini's for some taffy, chocolate and gummies, we cashed in our tickets and walked away with tummies full of sugar and new toys in hand. Happy day!

You know, even though we took them on exciting outings, the boys were just as happy to run around outside at the house. The place had a deck wrapped around it for their running pleasure, a hammock they loved to swing in, little lizards darting around for them to look at, little rocks to line up and play with, and outdoor shower that they completely forgot about....they were in heaven the entire trip.

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