Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Deets, the event organizer

Dylan has found a new favorite toy at preschool. I looks like a mini teeter totter that you put a beanbag on one end and you step on the other to launch it into the air. He loves it so much he organized the kids at school to make sure everyone got a turn with this toy. That surprised me when a teacher told me. It was so unlike Deets. It actually sounded more like Brandon.

I wonder if it has anything to do with his potty training. He's been really good about staying dry and going pee in the potty chair. I've been making a big deal about how he's such a big boy now just like Brandon. He idolizes Brandon, so every time I say it his face just lights up. Maybe he's thinking that since he's big like Brandon now, he'll start doing things like Brandon??? Who knows. All I know is Dylan is growing up before my eyes and it makes me a little sad. One more year and he starts kindergarten.....(sniff, sniff)...my babies are growing way too fast.

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