Friday, May 15, 2009

The Upside Down Show

This show is my kids' all time favorite show. We used to find it on Noggin, but they stupidly have taken it off the air. Our boys have a fairly well developed imagination, but this show put their imagination into overdrive!

If you have never seen the show, you can check out the little snippet below. Shane and David start each show with a couple of words like horizontal and vertical. They demonstrate the words in silly ways always involving an imaginary remote control that they eventually "hand over" to you. It's very creative and very entertaining for parents and children alike. Our kids run around the house knocking on the doors yelling, "Knock, knock! Come in!" and Action Fingers make many appearance at the table during meals. They play all kinds of make believe games now, and I believe we have Shane and David to thank for that. It was by far the best children's program on tv. We just can't figure out why they took it off the air.

Russell actually found Shane and David's official site, The Umbilical Brothers. This links to some of their other comedy:

We love these guys just as much as our kids do and hope they come back on the air soon!

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