Monday, June 29, 2009

Beach Day!!!

Today was beach day. We spent a good four hours at Rio Del Mar Beach. I spent a good portion of that time yelling, "Don’t throw sand," "Please share," "Get back over here," and "Don’t throw sand!!!!" I must have yelled at Brandon 50 times about throwing sand. The last time I yelled at him, he had thrown a shovel full of sand into Owen’s face. That wasn’t fun trying to comfort a 2 year-old who can't see and who is trying to spit all the sand out his mouth. Aside from that, the boys had a wonderful time. I think I needed Russ with us at the beach. We usually trade off with the yelling and being the voice of reason. Aside from the boys running wild on the beach, they got some sandcastle building, hole digging, Frisbee throwing, seashell searching and sand dune jumping in today. I swore they were going to fall asleep in the car on the way back to the house. Not a one! There were some exhaustion related meltdowns happening once we got back. That was solved with dinner. Full bellies mellowed them out. I don't know why...those boys ate all day long today. Right up until bedtime they were asking for cheese, bread, apple slices, and just food in general. Even Mr. Picky Deets was on fire with the food. I think that’s what through me off the most! That boy barely eats. I actually found myself saying, "Nobody is eating anything else!" It was CRAZY! It’s like they are all going through a growth spurt at the same time. Today was just exhausting. After baths, I popped in a movie for them and poured a glass of wine for myself. I was so frazzled, I swore I'd polish off the bottle. But after a couple of glasses, I corked the bottle and came upstairs to type this. Now I'm so tired, I think this will be the end of this lame entry. Nighty, night!

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