Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just another day on vacation

Owen was the first one up again this morning. He climbed into bed with us and snuggled. He kept giving me little hugs complete with light pats on the back. He also held my face in his hands a lot. It was really sweet. By the time Deets was up and in our bed for his snuggle-bug time, Owen was heading back to his spot on the sleeping bag. That's when he discovered Brandon sleeping in his spot, and he was none too happy. He woke Brandon up to make him move over. Instead of moving over and going back to sleep, Brandon woke up screaming bloody murder. We went from calm to screeching in the blink of an eye. So much for the calm morning. Dylan & I tried to ignore all the noise and kept snuggling. Russ had to deal with the screaming banshee.

Since it looked like it was going to be a nicer day than yesterday, we headed to the beach again today. It's free and the kids just wear themselves out. They had a great time today. They weren't the out of control, deaf children we took to the beach yesterday. They just played and played and played. (Oh, they ate and ate and ate again too.) They even allowed us to enjoy the sounds of the ocean, and bask in the sun's warmth. My mother-in-law, Diane, and I managed to get sunburns. I'm pretty burned, even though I had sunscreen. All I can say is thank goodness the boys escaped burning.

It's bedtime right now. Actually passed bedtime. It's 8:45 and Brandon is poking Owen. Those two are rolling around on their sleeping bag, laughing, poking, hitting and laughing some more. Poor Deets is laying next to them trying so hard to go to sleep. He's so tired after another long day playing at the beach, he can't even tell his brothers to stop.

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