Thursday, July 2, 2009

Big Vern & Connie's house

Today we checked out the rental house to stay at Connie & Big Vern's house. (It's really Diane's house, but I still call it Connie & Big Vern's.) We haven't stayed there in almost 6 years because there had been a long term tenant living there. I didn't realize how much I missed the house until we went inside. It was like the last 6 years hadn't happened. It looked the same, and it even smelled the same. It was like seeing Russ's grandparents everywhere I looked. I expected to open the fridge and see all the goodies Connie used to make or glance out on the deck and see her sweeping leaves. In the morning I could here Big Vern asking me if I was ready for my orange juice. The kitchen would always smell like bacon and bell peppers because Big Vern would have our breakfast prepped for when we got up. All he had to do was crack the eggs into the pan. I can't even image how Russ & his mom were feeling. After the boys went to bed tonight, Russ built a fire in the fire pit. We spent the rest of the evening enjoying the fire and talking about all sorts of things. It was a hard, but good day today.

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