Friday, July 3, 2009

Big klutz

That would be me! I was carrying Dylan down the last few stairs and thought I was on the last step when I was actually on the third step. I tried to turn the corner and fell to the ground floor. I did my best to protect Deets, and landed on my ankle instead of my foot. I crumpled to the floor in pain. My other two boys were watching, so they were a bit freaked out watching their mother yelling in pain. I was thankful that Deets came out of the fall fine. I spent the remainder of the day laying on the couch with my foot elevated and on ice. All I could do was watch what was happening around me or sleep. Not the way I thought this vacation would end. It sucked!

I woke up this morning with a super swollen ankle but not in any pain. I figured I could limp from the bedroom. That was a huge mistake. I was in such intense pain, I hobbled back to the bed. I had to elevate my foot for another 20 minutes before the pain went away again. I'm really worried that I may have fractured it. We're heading home today, so I'm hoping to get an afternoon appointment. We'll see!

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