Sunday, July 26, 2009

Brandon's big day at Bounce U

Yesterday was the big day! Brandon had several friends from kindergarten, his pal from preschool, his cousin, and family friends come to play. Everyone had such a great time. At least I assume they did based on the red, sweaty faces. Benjamin, 3rd from the right, is one of those friends from kindergarten. He had his birthday party here during the school year, and it's all Brandon was able to think about for months. When it was time to plan his party, it was pretty much a no-brainer. We did our best to give him other options, because we honestly didn't want to drive to Roseville for his party. He considered these options, but in the end, wouldn't be swayed. Once the place was booked, we involved Brandon in some of the planning. He went shopping for his cake with his dad. With so many cakes to choose from, it took a good few days for him to decide. Russ also involved Brandon in shopping for and assembling the party bags for his friends.

It turned out to be a great day for everyone. Brandon had the best time. I barely saw him the whole party! Dylan did his best to keep up with big brother and Gracie, from preschool. Owen, on the other hand, wasn't too sure about the place, because the music was too loud and the bounces houses were too big. He kept saying he wanted to go home. That all changed the moment I was able to get him to slide down a slide with me. He was hooked just like everyone else. We all played (yes, Russ and I played, too) for the full 75 minutes. Russ & I were just as sweaty as the kids. It was the quickest party we'd ever experienced. Hmmm! Wonder why???

After pizza, cake and presents, we packed it up and went home. We were so happy with how the day turned out. The staff was super friendly. They reminded me of Dylan's preschool teachers. They were all about keeping the kids happy and safe. They were just great. It made the long drive worth it!

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