Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

The boys were so excited about fireworks, as Russ knew they would be, he took them out front in the morning to light off smoke bombs, sparklers and snakes. He even lit off some snap-crackle-poppers. Owen wasn't expecting the noise and went running when Russ lit them off. He was done with fireworks after that. Poor little O! (It was kind of funny watching him run in a panic trying to find me. I felt so bad for him by the time he found me.)

After dinner we popped across the street to joined in on the dessert potluck and fireworks bonanza. The last couple of years the family across the street had hosted, so that was really nice for Owen. He was able to watch the show from the window. He did eat his fill of sweets at the potluck, though, before all the noise really got going. Brandon's baseball coach and his family joined the fun this year. His daughter, Emma, (from Brandon's class and on the t-ball team) came across the street to hang out with us. She even brought Brandon some sweets to share. It was really cute. Brandon liked having her there, but he's such a boy already. He kept leaving to do this and that and not asking Emma if she'd like to come. He finally figured it out by the end of the night and asked her to come watch the big Cal Expo fireworks at the park with him. Good boy! She didn't come, but at least he thought to ask.

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