Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The polka dot tree

We picked up the boys from my mom's house last night. Before we left I had a plastic bag in my hands, and I told my boys to get their shoes on so they could help me pick polka dots from the polka dot tree. They thought it was funny and weren't quite sure what I was talking about. I told them I was picking plums from Lola's tree, and that's when they wanted to help. They also made a point of making sure I knew it was a plum tree and not a polka dot tree. I can't help calling it the "polka dot tree" because that is what Brandon used to call it when he was about 3 years old. He had insisted they were polka dots, NOT plums. It's little things like this that make me sad that they grow up so fast. Brandon doesn't even remember calling them polka dots.

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