Saturday, July 18, 2009

I want to be sedated

It's been a horrible, stressful week. Russ has been gone since July 10. That right there should be enough, but that's just the beginning. I've dealt with a 2 day migraine that left me completely useless. Once I got over that Dylan woke up complaining about a crummies in his tummy. An hour later he threw up all over his favorite blanket. I was torn between comforting my child and the necessity of work. In the end my poor mom had to come over to take care of him because I couldn't miss another day of work. I'm the only graphic designer this month, so if I don't work, ads don't get designed. (Nevermind the "if I don't work we make no money" reason.) The next day I was carrying a sleeping Deets to Brandon's swim lesson, when Brandon announces he has to go #2. You can imagine me trying to help Brandon use a public restroom with one hand. Complete nightmare! I finally had to wake Deets up and make him stand in the corner. Poor guy had no clue where he was, while Brandon had his hands all over that toilet. Can you say "freak out"???? I so badly wanted to but did my best to control myself in front of the children. The day after that Deets fell out of bed in the middle of the night and landed on his head. Of course this was the only night that I haven't put a big pillow on the floor just in case this happens. He sounded like he dropped 4 feet to the ground. It was an awful crashing sound followed by a cry. I couldn't hold him tight enough or give him enough kisses. Needless to say he slept with me that night. And finally yesterday, I was given a new project by a client of mine, but they want it turned around in less than a week...the same week we ship our papers to the printer which is always a nightmare week. Through all of this I'm leaning hard on my mom to help with the kids just so I can work. The days she wasn't able to help, my stress level went through the roof. Good times! All I can say is THANK GOD RUSS IS FINALLY HOME NOW! Maybe I won't have to be sedated after all.

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