Monday, July 6, 2009

First day of swim lessons

Brandon is taking swimming lessons at our neighborhood pool. His first lesson was today. Russ said Brandon seemed to be super excited. Such a good sign! After the lesson, Russ and Brandon came to pick me up at my office. Before I could even get close to the car, Brandon was yelling about his lesson to me through the open window. He LOVED it! He thought it was so cool that there were 4 other kids in his class. He was telling me the swimming terms and that he loved the whole lesson. He didn't have any favorite parts. Sounds like I need to sign him up for the next session before it fills up.

I had planned on signing him up for tennis lessons, but it looks like that will be put on the back burner until the fall. I actually mentioned this in the car, and Brandon was really receptive to the idea. Russ also suggested golf lessons. That's when Brandon said he wanted to be one of the golf guys on the tv. Looks like we'll be looking into golf lessons as well.

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