Friday, July 10, 2009

Swim lessons

I finally got to go to one of Brandon's swim lessons today. I could see how much he just loves it. They do the very basic stuff which is perfect for Brandon. I hate to say it, but he is not all the coordinated in the water. When given instruction, Brandon follows it to a tee. The instructor was showing him where his arms should be when he swims. He made sure he hit all the points perfect and stopped his arm movement at each point as well. I think that's also why he doesn't kick fast enough. He thinks too much when he should just be doing it. He's our little perfectionist. The best part is he isn't getting frustrated and giving up. He's just trying and trying and having a good time. They ended the lesson jumping off the diving board. The poor kid was shivering to the bone, and he still kept getting in line to jump in the water.

We also took Dylan and Owen to swim lessons. All Dylan cared about was going to play at the park. Owen on the other hand kept saying, "Wanna go too!" when he saw Brandon go off to his lesson. Owen was even taking his shoes off. It was a real battle to get his shoe back on his foot. After the two of us muscled Owen's shoe back on, Russ took both boys to the park. Owen was fine until Russ brought them back at the end of the lesson. That's when Owen wanted to touch the water. When I said no to that, he switched strategies and asked to "wash hands" in the pool. We knew were fighting a losing battle, so Russ took him to the edge of the pool and let him "wash hands".

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