Sunday, June 28, 2009

My drive to Santa Cruz

Good times! That's all I can really say about that drive. There was a horrible accident on I-5 just before Lodi. We were stuck in stop and go (mostly stopped) traffic for at least 5 miles. By the time we got to the accident, the kids movie was over and I was listening to all three boys yelling, "I want to watch...!" over and over.... They finally accepted the fact that I couldn't change their movie. Dylan and Owen settled in for a nap, while Brandon tried without success. It was a difficult trip for us all because Russ is usually the one driving, and I’m in the passenger seat taking care of the boys’ every need. Not this time. Russ drove his work truck down with all his tools in back just in case he needed them to do some work on his mom’s rental. The rest of us were packed into my car with all the usual beach vacation items. He’s staying the whole week, where we are just staying until Wednesday. Brandon tried so hard to talk to me during the drive, but I couldn’t hear him. I kept telling him to speak up, but he just couldn’t. The only time he talks loud enough to be heard is when he’s upset. It took four and a half hours to get here today. It was ridiculous...but then again, I guess it could have been much worse. My luck didn't change once we got here. The house we rent that used to have internet access, no longer has internet access. So much for my plan to work and blog! Maybe we will have better luck when we move to Diane's house mid-week.

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