Friday, June 19, 2009

A perfect day

It was an all about Deets day. He and I spent the morning together...just the two of us. This never happens, so it was very special for us both. We spent the morning at the zoo. He got to be the leader and decide what we were going to do. He marched us around to glance at most of the animals. We only stopped at his favorites: the gibbons and the fish (by the red pandas). It was early enough in the day that all the animals were out and about, but they didn't warrant a second glance from Deets. He obviously had an agenda, and he was sticking to it. He wanted to take pictures at the zoo cutouts??? If you know Deets, the last thing he likes is having his picture taken. I guess it's acceptable if he's sticking his head through a hole! After a brief snack, we headed off to the new hand-carved carousel. Deets couldn't believe there weren't any "seat belts" and asked me to hold him so he wouldn't fall off his zebra. He loved it. The whole ride he kept asking me what all the other animals were around us. It really is a beautiful ride. Next was the zoo train. We were first in line, so D got his pick of seats. He was disappointed that he couldn't see any of the animals from the train...the same front and center animals he refused to look at when we first got there. By train time, they were all hiding in their enclosures. After that, he wanted to play on the rope spider web and the cement "shell slide". I was surprised that he only played there for 5 minutes, before he announced he wanted to go in the reptile house. He treated each window like a Where's Waldo? page, "Where is it, Mommy?" and "I see it, Mommy!" As soon as he found the animal, off to the next one. If someone was standing there, he'd skip it and move on to the next one. After a 2nd snack, it was time to go.

He was singing The Wheels on the Bus on our walk back to the truck. He sang several verses and then told me to sing "the daddies on the bus" verse. I tried to make the daddies on the bus go bumpity-bump, but Deets busted me and said only the people go bumpity-bump. "Try again, Mommy." I asked him what daddies did on the bus, and his answer was, "Don't know. Do you your best Mommy." When I was done laughing, I came up with "daddies on the bus go goofity-goof". He like it so much, he made me sing it 5 more times. Singing came to an end when it was time to get in the truck. He was more focused on buckling himself in and having his toys in his lap.

We hadn't even pulled onto Land Park Drive before Dylan asked, "But Mommy! Where are the golf at?" On the way in he saw people playing golf and wanted to stop and watch, but then he decided the zoo was better. Now that the zoo was done, he was back on golf. I pointed out the people playing and pulled the truck over so he could see. I knew he was dying to get closer, so we got out of the truck and sat at a bench at one of the tees. He had great golf etiquette. He was very quiet, didn't talk when they were hitting and searched in vain for the ball once they did hit. Once he realized that he couldn't see the ball once they hit it, he was bored. He loves to sit with Russ and watch it on TV. I think he was expecting to be able to see the ball like he does on TV. I've already told Russ he needs to take D to the driving range. I bet he'd just love that.

We spent our quiet time on my mom's couch watching Bolt while Owen napped in her room. Later in the day we played together outside, and I even managed to get him to lay under the big tree in the backyard and watch the wind blow the leaves. We had such a wonderful day together. Dylan was just glowing. He had a perfect day, and so did I.

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