Friday, June 5, 2009

Preschool event tonight

I took all 3 boys to preschool tonight. (Can I add that I was there alone with the 3 boys?) They had a graduation potluck for the end of the school year. I wanted the boys to go so Deets could play with his friends, and Brandon could see some old friends. Owen just played and watched other kids around him. He already acts like he owns the place. He often likes to tell me that it's his preschool.

Anyway, I'm all excited that Brandon gets to see his best pal from preschool, Gracie. She graduated tonight, and Brandon snubbed her! He said "hi" and then ran off to play by himself. I asked him later if he thought he was too old to play with his old friends, and he actually said yes! I asked him if I set up a play date with Gracie, would he play with her. He said he would because he likes Gracie. That's when I told him that he could play with her tonight, and that's what he did. It was good to see.

I think part of him was shy. He hasn't seen Gracie for quiet a few months. I think that gap in time made him unsure of how to play with her. Before Deets switched to 1/2 days, Brandon would come with me to pick up Deets. He and Gracie would be off and playing for the short time we were there. Now they never see each other. It makes me sad for Brandon, because he hasn't connected with anyone else the way he connected with her.

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