Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Connie's '67 Cadillac

Well, the long awaited day finally came. Russ had the Caddie towed to a mechanic specializing in classic cars. Russ told me the mechanic wanted to hear the history of the car like a doctor would want to know his patient's medical history. That right there made put Russ at ease with leaving the car there.

The car used to be his grandmother's car. Russ likes to point out that she was the original owner, and it was bought at Hubacher. When we would drive down to Santa Cruz to visit, Connie was still driving it to the store and to go get her hair done. The day eventually came when she decided she shouldn't be driving anymore. That's when Russ started driving the car, so it wouldn't just sit in the garage and deteriorate. Not that it was torture for him. He loves driving that car. Well, over the years the car started having electrical problems and fuel line issues, and it was also leaking fluids. It ended up sitting in storage, and then my mom's garage collecting dust. There was never enough time, or something else was always more important to deal with. Now that Russ isn't working the crazy hours he did when he was in sales, he figured now is as good a time as any. We had the cash to saved to fix it, so why not? Right after Russ drove it home from the shop, we hosed off the dust and went for a nice long drive. Aside from the car spewing radiator fluid at the end of our drive (because the cap was left off), it ran like a champ.

Brandon must have been around 2 years-old when he asked Russ if we could go for a ride in "the Caddie car." Russ told him when it was fixed we would go for a ride. Little did we know it would be almost 4 years and 2 brothers later that he'd finally get his ride. Russ drove the car over to his mom's house the next morning to surprise her and the boys (they had spent the night). Let me point out that Diane was less than pleased that the car sat for as long as it did, and who could blame her? It was her mom's car. Anyway, Russ says that she was all teary-eyed when she saw it. Russ strapped in a carseat and booster seat and the four of them when for a drive.

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