Saturday, December 15, 2007 she comes

Russell worked very hard (with a little help from his brothers) and actually pulled off a surprise party for his mother this afternoon. She thought she was going to PF Chang's for a late lunch with Scott & Kristin and our family. She was almost to the top of the mezzanine when we all yelled surprise. Russ said he saw her knees buckle and was afraid she was going to fall down the stairs. Diane claims we almost gave her a heart attack. She was so happy and completely surprised. She started to cry looking around at all her dearest friends and family.

I tried to get a picture of everyone that came, but I'm not sure I was successful. (BTW, the photos at the attached link are in backwards order, so start from the bottom.)

Family photos

We had a photo shoot this morning with all the Fuller brothers' families and their step sister's family. A nice little Christmas present for Russ's mom and dad & Kathy. Brandon was really looking forward to seeing his cousins again, and much to his surprise, he met two more cousins that he didn't even know he had. Owen was the smiliest (is that a word?) of all. He was so happy to be there even though it was freezing outside. He also managed to kick the same shoe off about 10 times, and eventually got the sock off too. Anyway, enough of my jabbering. Here are the photos:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Rain, rain has gone away... we got a Christmas tree today. The boys had a blast walking up and down between the trees at Indian Rock Ranch. They loved that the ground was frozen with frost, and how it crunched under their little booted feet. Brandon was sure he was going to find the perfect tree. In fact he pointed out quite a few perfect trees. He was completely into the tree hunt. Dylan, on the other hand, just wanted to run up and down the mountain. I don't know how many times Russ had to grab him by the hood so he wouldn't go barreling down the mountain. Owen spent the day in the Baby Bjorn. Talk about cardio and weight training all at once! You try strapping 18 pounds to the front of you and hike up a mountain. Today I realized that we should have dug out the Kelty and put O on my back.

Something happened tonight that hasn't happened in years...we decorated our tree the same day we brought it home. I loved watching my boys decorate the tree. I loved that only the bottom branches were sagging with ornaments. Russ helped them balance out the tree and decorated the upper branches with the glass and heavy ornaments.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Up O goes

Owen grabbed his crib rail and stood up today, so he could see what I was doing in his dresser. He watched me pick out his outfit for the day.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Owen's mobility

Owen's mobility is starting to freak me out. I was prepared for the crawling, but not the pulling up or sitting up on his own. That's just too many things going on at the same time! Next thing I know, the boy will be running after his brothers (which I suspect is his goal). He gets so upset with me, if I don't carry him into the same room his brothers are playing in. He wants to be with the boys all the time. Anyway, I caught Owen pulling himself up onto his knees to reach the fringe on our window shade on Monday. Today I turned around expecting to still see him practicing his crawling, but instead he's just sitting there looking at me with this big smile on his face. I put him back on his tummy so I could see him do it again.

Owen's chin-ups

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

No Christmas tree today

Today was the day we planned to load up the boys and drive up to Apple Hill to hunt for the elusive "perfect" Christmas tree. The rain has dampened our plans. Of course, we could still go, but who wants to walk around in the cold, wet and muck? So far, Brandon has forgotten all about the tree hunt. I just hope he doesn't remember at all today, because he's going to be so disappointed.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Model children

Brandon and Dylan are in the December issue of Inside East Sacramento again. This time they got to check out a new park for a story about small public parks. As they played, the photographer, Linda, took their pictures for the story. Brandon liked the park so much he asked me again the next day if we could go back.

Friday, November 30, 2007

New Slideshow Feature

I really like our new slide show feature. This way I can post numerous photos for you to see using minimal space. I never really liked having to fit the photos in with the blog text, so this is a solution that I actually love. I would really like to slow the slide show down a bit, but the third party site that created it doesn't give me that option. So if you'd like to browse them at your leisure, just click on the show once to activate the feature, then again to go to the photo site. (And just in case you didn't know, you can click on any photo on our blog for a high resolution version.)

Joy is a pile of leaves

My handsome boys

Their portraits came out so cute, I just had to post them:

Friday, November 23, 2007

Next step: crawling

Yesterday during Thanksgiving dinner, Owen started scooting backwards across the floor. Today, he was up on all fours rocking back and forth. That boy is ready to get moving.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Our first skate party

The boys attended their very first skate party. Brandon watched the other kids for a while, but he still wasn't interested in trying to skate. He just wanted to go pump quarters into the games. Dylan, on the other hand, was willing to try. It was so cute watching Russ hold Deets up and push him around the rink. They made it half way around when Dylan decided he was done. I was quite impressed with my little man. He didn't take the skates off until it was time to leave. He even played games in them.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Soooo much trick-or-treating today. It started at 10am this morning at Brandon's preschool. They marched around to the local businesses in their costumes trick-or-treating. The parade of costumes was so adorable.

When we got home, we tried to carve pumpkins with the kids, but they got bored and wandered off. At least it was a Mommy-Daddy team effort: Daddy gutted and Mommy carved a ghost and a bat. Then during the kids nap time (all three were, thankfully, asleep), Russ & I finished decorating the front of our house: spider webs with spiders big and small and the inflated spider & Frankenstein. Russell made sure all trick-or-treaters knew they could stop at our house. Apparently, people were taking pictures of their kids in front of our house. Our boys loved all of Daddy's decorations.

They completely loved going door to door. Dylan actually lasted through our little circle of houses. Since my mom was handing out candy for us, we trick-or-treated our own house last. Mom loved our surprise. She screamed and then couldn't stop laughing. I thought we were done for the evening, but Brandon was ready to hit some more houses. We dumped out his pumpkin, and hit the neighborhood two more times. He would have gone all night if I let him. Now we have candy to last us until spring.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another All Hallows Reunion

This is the third time I've gone to a get together with the people from grade school. There was a nice surprise waiting for us this time. Two of our teachers joined us, Mrs. Kassis (1st grade) and Mrs. Freeman (5th grade). It was so great to sit down to talk with them. Lots of laughing and reminiscing and gossiping. One of the girls took some photos. Hopefully this link to the pics will work:

Saturday, October 27, 2007

D's birthday party

We gave Dylan a puppet birthday party today. I put together paper puppet crafts as party favors. One of the guys I work with is a puppeteer who makes his own puppets. We asked him to do his puppet show for the kids. Brandon's favorite was the 3 little pigs portion of the show. He kept checking on Dylan throughout the show to make sure he was watching and enjoying the show. It was so sweet.

Dylan loved his cake. We made sure he had his Dora ice cream cake. We went to a birthday party two weeks ago, and they had the Dora cake. He loved it so much, we got one for him too. We also found a Diego candle and popped him on there. He had no problem blowing out his candles or eating his cake.

We let D open his presents after the cake. He let out little screams and squeals of delight every time he opened a present. It was sooo funny! He loved all his presents and wanted to open everything. He had a wonderful day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dylan is 2!

Our little Deets is two years old today! We made sure he felt extra special today, and pretty much let him call the shots. We took the boys to Fairy Tale Town for a couple of hours this morning. Dylan had the best time leading us around the park doing everything he wanted to do. Brandon, on the other hand, had a very hard time following D. They spent most of their time on the many slides, the train and Cinderella's coach. We left right when a flood of school kids showed up. Too many big kids pushing their way through the park. So we piled everyone back into the car and drove to Gunther's for cheese sandwiches and ice cream. The ice cream was soooo good! The boys looked like they were in heaven. After naps, Dylan opened our present: a puppet theatre. I think he liked the Sesame Street wrapping paper better than his present. I don't think he knew what it was when he unwrapped it, or even after Russ put it together. Deets wanted Daddy to do the first puppet show. Now, when Dylan wants to do a puppet show, he doesn't have to use their play kitchen as a theater.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Who's your daddy?

What can I say? My man was hot in his tight white polyester pants and wide collared shirt! We went to a friend's 40th birthday party last night, and the party theme was 60's & 70's. Russ dressed the part. He had the best costume hands down. The best part of the evening was when we stopped at the store on the way home. People were staring at Russ and trying to look like they weren't laughing and talking about him.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Apple Hill

We took the kids up to Apple Hill today. We wanted to pick out pumpkins from a pumpkin patch and eat some apple goodies. I managed to trip and fall on the stairs going out to the garage when we were leaving. I rolled my ankle and heard it crack and pop in three places, all while I was holding the baby. Scary! Owen was fine. Not a bump or scratch on him. I, on the other hand, iced my ankle all the way up the hill. I probably shouldn't have walked on it all day, but I did anyway for the kids.

First stop was the Kids Inc. pumpkin patch. Brandon LOVED it! He walked all the way up the hillside looking for the "perfect" pumpkin. Dylan lasted about a minute, before he was wanting Russ to carry him. When he was on the ground, he was sitting in the dirt rubbing his hands in it. After they ran around the patch picking the big pumpkins, we headed back up to the buildings and let the boys pick out one little pumpkin each. I made them sit next to one of the scarecrows, so I could take their picture. Russ was not happy with Kids Inc. The proprietor was extremely rude and bossy. Guess we won't be going back there again.

With the pumpkins out of the way, we drove to Larsens for a slice of pie and hot chocolate. I used to go there when I was a kid, so I was looking forward to the yumminess. I was a little disappointed to find several seeds and a stem in my slice. I also couldn't believe they handed us cups of hot water and instant cocoa. The boys thought the pie looked weird, so they didn't even taste it. At least they had a few sips of their cocoa. We took them across the street to the park after our snack, so they could run around and blow off some steam. The loved just running and running in all the openness. I'd say their very favorite part was the stream that ran under a bridge. They were dropping leaved in the water and watching them float away. They could have stayed all day.

We finally dragged them away, stopped at Boa Vista Orchards to pick up a box of apples and several other apples, pears, caramel apples and a pie. Such a busy, fun day for all of us. The boys were so exhausted, they slept all the way home.

Deja vu

That little Deets of ours is just reveling in his new found communication skills! Now that he knows how to say Brandon, he's always calling out, "Bandon" to get his brother's attention. He's also taken to repeating the same sentence over and over and over. Today he must have told Brandon that there was no more ice cream cones about 20 times today. (We took them to Baskin Robbins last night after dinner.) All the talking is so cute, but sometimes tiring because you have to repeat what he said.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Potty-training update

Brandon is finally potty-trained. Such a relief to finally say that. He hasn't had a dirty diaper since our vacation. He is so proud every time he goes now. He hasn't given up his pull-ups yet, though. I think they make him feel safer than his underwear. Keeping my fingers crossed that we'll be in underpants in another week, and I can stop buying pull-ups.

Dylan speaks...

...and speaks and speaks and speaks. Yesterday he said, "Brandon." Well, it's more like, "Bandon," but it's still a huge deal and oh so cute! That little Deets of ours is on a roll stringing words together, too. It was like a switch flipped in his head within the last week, and he's turned into a babbling boy. Instead of yelling, "No way!" when I gave him something to eat that he didn't want, he said, "I don't please." He stopped me dead in my tracks. Another of my favorites is, "Want to play." That is usually paired with a finger pointed outside. He's so excited about being able to communicate. Sometimes he just babbles nonsense words mixed with words he knows. It's pretty cute, especially when he looks so proud of himself.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Brotherly love

These photos were just so cute I had to share them. It started with Dylan sitting in the rocking chair yelling, "Baby!" I asked if he was asking to hold the baby, and he said, "Ya!" and opened his arms wide. Then Brandon wanted in on the fun. They were all smiling and giggling. It was truely one of those moments I wanted burned into my brain.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Russ is broken / Boys check ups

Well it was bound to happen! After spending most of our vacation carrying Dylan around, Russ's back finally seized up. He ended up at the doctor yesterday and came home with some pretty heavy medication. He's been in bed since yesterday afternoon. He was up for a little while today, but he moves around like his entire upper body is in a cast.

I ended up taking all three boys to the doctor for check ups by myself today. Dylan could have stayed home since his appointment isn't until November, but I wanted Russ to be able to rest. Brandon and Dylan were balls of energy in that lobby. I think they knew I couldn't do much with the baby strapped to the front of me in the Baby Bjorn. When I made them sit down they acted like they were physically in pain. Then when we were called back, Dylan stopped at the front door of the office and wanted to leave. When I told him we couldn't yet, he threw himself on the floor. I did what any outnumbered mother would do. I grabbed his arm just under the armpit and pulled him to his feet (several times) until he was standing, and not letting go, made him walk back to our room. He whined and cried the whole way there.

Brandon did really well, considering he had to get four shots for the start of kindergarten next fall. Dylan watched Brandon as he got his shots, and didn't move a muscle. That was the only time that child stopped moving while we were there. Brandon had a sight test and tested perfect. He also had a hearing test, but was too confused to push the button or raise his hand when he was supposed to. He's a super healthy boy, and so happy to know that he won't have to have another shot until he's 12...oh! I forgot about flu shots! I just lied to my child!!!!

Owen had his check up, as well. He smiled through the whole exam. Brandon got to be the doctor's helper during Owen's exam, and he really enjoyed that. He loves to help out with the baby. Well, Owen is just as big as we thought he was. He was at the high end of the percentage scale for weight and height. He did really well with his shots, too. He turned beet red before he started crying, but stopped as soon as all the shots were over. He was asleep before we even made it to the car.

We all went to preschool after the doctor to drop Brandon off. He made it just in time for the last part of his gymnastics class. He must have told each child individually that he went to the doctor and got four stickers. Funny how they forget the worst part and love to tell about the best part.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Long weekend away

We came back from our vacation yesterday. The boys had sooooooo much fun. We rented a house across the street from Rio Del Mar beach in Aptos, just south of Santa Cruz. (A word of advice: don't rent from Cheshire Rio. Horrible company. Just ask Russ.) Our friends came down for the weekend with their daughter. The kids played, and we tried to relax and hang out after the kids all went to bed in the evenings. We were a little worried that they wouldn't get much time on the beach since there was rain in the forecast. It did rain, but not enough to ruin the vacation. The boys got several days on the beach looking for sea shells, building "sand castles," and chasing waves. The chasing fun was short lived for Deets, though, when Brandon ran him over trying to run away from the waves. In the end, D ended up soaked and miserable. He refused to go near the water again after that fiasco. Not a big deal, since he had a wonderful time playing in the sand and kicking his beach ball.

Saturday afternoon, Russ took Brandon and Dylan to The Boardwalk to play games and walk around. He really wanted them to do more than just play at the beach. Russ said they had so much fun playing games and picking out prizes with their tickets. Unfortunately, I missed that outing because the baby was sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb him. That was ok, I got to play with the boys at the beach when they came back.

Sunday evening we took the boys down to the wharf, mostly because we wanted to have a crab cocktail. We had our little snack, and the boys tried to see the seals barking under the wharf through the viewing holes at the far end. As dark as it was, the boys were very lucky to see the few that they did. We ended the evening with ice creams at Marini's.

Monday, after a bit of shopping, we drove into the hills to visit some friends we haven't seen for a couple of years. They have a beautiful 4 year old girl, and Brandon loved playing with her. Poor Mia was bossed around by Brandon, but luckily she didn't seem to mind. They spent the whole afternoon and evening playing. Dylan spent most of his time going up and down the stairs. He would pop in on Brandon and Mia to see what they were doing, but before long he would be back on the stairs. The look on face when he discovered that he could roll a ball down them was priceless. He looked at me like, "did you just see that?????"

Finally on Tuesday we loaded up the car and drove to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The boys thought the huge tanks of fish were so cool. Brandon asked to see the jellyfish. I have to say the jellyfish exhibits are my favorite, too. Brandon's favorite were the transparent jellies you could only see if the light was turned on. He kept pushing the button to turn the light off, so they would disappear. He was still talking about those jellyfish today. They were fascinated by the kelp forest, the sharks and the gigantic fish. We were thankful that we visited midweek, because the boys were able to experience the touch pools and the kids play areas without a problem. I think Dylan's favorite part was being outside. There wasn't much to see outside, but he loved being out there. And poor Russ, he was wishing we'd unloaded the stroller, because he ended up carrying Dylan around the entire aquarium all day.

All in all, it was a busy vacation because we did so much, but it was fun experiencing it all as a family. We loved watching our kids play and explore these last few days. Can't wait for our next adventure.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Finger food

I remember when I was little, and my parents would put out finger foods for company. I loved to dig into the black olives and stick them on every one of my fingers. Sometimes I would eat them whole right off my finger. Other times I would nibble until they disappeared. Here is Brandon's version since he doesn't like olives (if you click on the picture, you'll see they are strawberries). What weirdo kid doesn't like olives??? Oh...according to Russ, I was the weirdo kid for even liking olives in the first place.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Big day for us all

When I picked Brandon up from preschool today, he was so excited to tell me that he ate all of his lunch and that he went on the potty and got to pick a prize out of the special toy chest. He had a very important day. We called Russ on his cell so Brandon could tell him all about it. We celebrated by making milkshakes, and promised to take him shopping for a special treat this weekend. We kept telling him how proud we were of him. He looked as proud as we felt.

And after months of figuring out what we want and then searching for it, we have finally purchased a Toyota Sequoia. Russ found a really great deal on a 2006, so he drove down to Vacaville to check it out. He came home with it tonight. I love it! It's so much easier to get the kids in and out, and the best part is I can take all three of my kids anywhere now. Brandon hopped into the car when Russ got home and I told him to show me how to drive. It was so cute.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Slumber party in Brandon's bed

Ever since Dylan moved into the bunkbeds, Brandon says, "Deets can sleep with me if he wants," at every bedtime. But we always tell them that they need to sleep in their own beds, that way no one gets kicked or hit or smooshed against the wall. Before we leave their room we always tell them that they need to stay in bed. Dylan is actually really good about staying put. Brandon on the other hand gets up 3 or 4 times to tell us something like having to potty, wanting water, wanting one of us to cuddle in his get the idea. He's comes out so much that we don't even walk him back to bed anymore. Well tonight when Russ peaked in on them, this is what he found.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Picture day

Today was picture day for the boys. I had to bribe Brandon with a visit to the Disney Store (which we had already planned on anyway) to get him to sort of smile. Dylan didn't want any part of picture taking, that's why you don't see him above. He just wanted to be held by Daddy. And then there was Owen. He was our little ray of sunshine bursting with smiles and coos.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dylan's a big boy now!

Our little Deeters has graduated to the big boy bed. I've been letting him sleep in Brandon's bed for naps on the days Brandon goes to preschool, and D has done really well. So this weekend while he was at my mom's house, Russ and I went out and bought a new mattress and sheets. He came home tonight to see his crib gone, new artwork on the walls and his trundle bed all made up with his things in it. He was not impressed. It turned out he wanted Brandon's bed, which worked out well, because Brandon wanted the trundle bed. So the boys swapped beds and everyone was happy. (The bed swap will actually make Brandon's future move to the top bunk all that much easier.)

Dylan was so excited about his new bed, he kept playing on it like it was a big toy. Climbing in and out, jumping off of it, jumping to bump his head on the top bunk (on purpose), jumping on his brother's bed. He's never been like that at nap time, so I suggested that Russ rock him to sleep. That did the trick...a little too well since Russ fell asleep, too.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Roll over Big O!

Yes, that baby of ours is a roll over pro now. A few days ago it clicked in his head how to roll and now that's all he does when he's tired of laying on his back. If he's in a good mood, he'll prop up on his elbows and forearms to look around. It's just so cute to see him checking out his surroundings from a different angle. Brandon gets right down on the floor with Owen when he sees him rolling around. I'm surprised Owen doesn't cry, because sometimes Brandon is right there in his face. He's smiling and saying encouraging things to Owen, but has no clue about personal space. It really is sweet.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Another step closer

I know most people don't care to read about my boys going pee pee, but I'm sorry, it's a huge hurdle that were are attempting to clear, and it is WAY over due. Brandon ran to the bathroom today and successfully peed in the the toilet. The look on his face was priceless, as was the, "Look mommy! I'm doing it!" We've had a few accidents over the last week, and I think he's finally figuring out this potty training thing. When my mom came by tonight to help me out with the kids, Brandon called her into the bathroom to show her he knew how to go in the toilet like a big boy. He's so proud of himself. Keep your fingers crossed (and toes too) that we'll be out of pull ups very soon.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Go Diego Go Live!

Today we surprised Brandon and Dylan with the Go Diego Go Live! show at the Memorial Auditorium. We got there early enough to load up on souvenirs, and then we took our seats. The boys had no idea what was going on or what to expect. They just sat in their seats people watching and eating their pretzels. When the show started their eyes were as big as saucers and Brandon's mouth was actually hanging open. The show was pretty interactive. Most of the kids there were jumping, dancing, growling, and answering the questions Diego and Alicia were asking. Not our kids. Brandon has never been one to participate with the cartoon on tv, so it wasn't a surprise that he wasn't going to participate at the theater. Dylan just loved watching everything. In the end, Brandon said the show was too loud and that he liked "parts," but wouldn't elaborate on what those parts were. When we asked Deets if he liked the show, he said yes. The most surprising part of the day was that our kids actually stayed seated and didn't squirm the whole show. Russ and I agreed that the show was entirely too long. I'm sorry, but I don't think kids' shows should be so long that they need an intermission.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dylan's first painting

Don't ask me why, but I got a bug one day to buy something messy, so I splurged on paint supplies. I guess I was bored doing the same old thing with the kids. I was tired of coloring and stickers and games and toys. The pool was nice when it wasn't scorching hot. The kids didn't care how hot it got, because they were the ones in the water. I, on the other hand, was sitting in a chair sweating through the long agonizing minutes. I tried squirt bottles filled with water. Brandon loved that. Dylan's tiny hands just couldn't get around the squirt handle, so he had to try holding the bottle with one hand and pull the squirt handle with the other. I don't think he could get much more frustrated.

So now I figure Dylan has never painted before, and he can hold a paint brush. How hard could it be for a almost 2 year old to paint? He's going to love this, and sure enough he did. Brandon is always bringing home paintings from preschool, so I knew he'd have blast painting with his brother. I set them up side by side and let their creative juices flow. You'll see Dylan's painting above. He did surprisingly well for his first time. He was having such a great time, he was dancing around while he was painting. It was pretty darn cute. Brandon was pretty methodical as he painted (see below). He mixed colors on his paper, and he had to think about where certain colors were going to go, before brush touched paper again. His finishing touches were the dots. Mommy scored big points with the boys that day.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


(If you haven't read "I'm a snap happy mommy", please read it before this entry to appreciate the irony.)

Yesterday I was editing some video for this blog, and discovered that I had taped over Brandon's 4th birthday and birthday party. I spent the better part of yesterday sick to my stomach and periodically crying. The birthday party I eventually could have lived with, but losing the first time Brandon rode his first big boy bike is something that I'm taking very hard. I do have photos of everything, but the video was just as important to us. Russ feels about video the way I feel about photographs. He doesn't want to flip through photos and just see that one tiny moment. He wants to see every second there was, and depending on what it is, I feel the same way.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm a snap happy mommy

Every month I send out just a portion of the photos I've taken over the previous month. Mostly it's just pictures of the kids. It is something that I really really enjoy and feel very strongly about. I want our children to have a vast visual record of their childhood and our lives together. As a result, I have built this incredible library of photos saved by month. My goal is to burn copies of all my digital photos for each of my boys. I have albums and scrapbooks that we can flip through, but I'm not crazy enough to make three duplicate copies for each of my three boys. I do want them to have access to their childhood pictures within an arms reach, though. I realized this was something that I really wanted to do while we were all at my mom's house one day. Russ wanted to see pictures of me when I was little. Mom dug out an old photo album for us. It was a lot of fun looking back in time. But, you know, the sad thing is that my dad took some of the photos when they got divorced, so we weren't able to look at those. That's when it clicked in my head. When my boys are older and married and possibly have children, they will have every digital picture I've ever taken. The day they get married, I may need a forklift to give them the cd's, but by God they will have them! Then I will pretend that they will actually look at them.

We also have hours upon hours of video that we've recorded but never really watched. I had the grand idea of editing it all and burning it to dvds. I started that project a few years ago, but let it fall through the cracks. Now I'm considering just converting all the tapes to dvd without editing because the whole process would take weeks of nothing but converting and editing. The prospect of even attempting this old project just feels so overwhelming. Maybe I'll just try to post snippets of our videos here in the future...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One step closer

Brandon is inching his way towards pottytraining. We took him to the store a couple of weeks ago to pick out his own underwear, in hopes that he would want to wear them. No dice. They were cool to look at and fun to pick out, but that was about it.

So the other day, I just told him that he was going to wear his new underwear. We were going to play in the backyard, so I told him that I would bring his potty chair outside with us. If he had to go, then we could do it outside. He was all for it. He really liked how soft they felt. You could also tell that he felt like a big boy with them on. He wore them all day without one accident. Of course, he didn't have to use the potty chair all day either. He waited until he had his pull-ups on at nap and bedtime. Just getting him to wear the underwear was a small victory. Now he asks to wear them. Hoping to be well on our way down the pottytrained path soon. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

What is extra cute is that Dylan has underwear too. So when Dylan hears that Brandon is going to wear underwear, Dylan runs in the bedroom and grabs his too. He's not quite there yet for pottytraining, but I'm praying he'll be ready sooner than Brandon was.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Brothers Bonding

Brandon sure is growing up. It wasn't too long ago that all the contact he wanted with Owen was a pat on the head. This morning he was holding Owen, and even asked to feed Baby O a bottle.

He's also been telling D to come sit on his lap when they watch cartoons. Dylan isn't always interested, but when he does it's adorable. It's so sweet to see him bonding with his brothers.